
referee course registration

Our Course registration form is now open!
If you want to see if refereeing is for you, why not complete our upcoming course?

Dates: Monday 27 September 6pm - 9pm & Sunday 3 October 9am-5pm

Please complete the following form to register your interest and start your journey today

Simply complete the following link ... https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kCXJRcbM-UaA_5_I2e3eOXKt72oXGCVPpFy3MxEIiKRURTRDVVc3SUIzNFVaT0VQMktPWVYyWjZTOCQlQCN0PWcu 

or E-Mail Info@WestmorlandFA.com for more information